Ready for another naturally great DIY Essential Oil recipe? This one is mom-approved, baby-approved and cloth diapering safe! This week we give you essential oil-infused Baby Powder! As always, you can throw our recipes together with household staples and your favorite essential oils.
Keep baby's skin soft AND your peace of mind? That's a win-win with this DIY Baby Powder.
Supplies & Ingredients
- Glass Mixing Bowl
- Measuring Cups
- Mixing Spoon
- Storage Container (Mason Jar or glass shaker)*
*Store in a dark, dry place.
- 1/2 cup Arrowroot powder**
- 5-10 drops of (pick one):
- Lavender
- Roman Chamomile
- Ylang Ylang
- Melrose
- Gentle Baby
**You can also use ¼ cup cornstarch and ¼ cup Arrowroot, but again, we prefer Arrowroot. It’s best for sensitive skin and does not promote yeast growth like cornstarch can.
How It’s Done
Another “why haven’t I tried this before” two-step process!
- Combine all ingredients in your glass mixing bowl.
- Store in your chosen container.
Use Today
Baby powder helps absorb extra moisture to keep your baby’s skin soft and smooth. Add your favorite soothing oil to keep your baby smelling fresh and a smile on your face, even during diaper changes. Plus, giving your baby a signature scent will give you an instant connection to sweet baby days whenever you happen to smell the oil you use in your powder recipe, even years later!
For baby,
- Shake powder out onto your hand (avoiding baby’s face).
- Apply with every diaper change and after every bath.
For You,
Don’t let baby have all the fun! This recipe is also great for parents (and non-parents). Apply in the morning and throughout the day to keep your skin sweat-free and soft.
Do you DIY? What’s your can’t-live-without-it homemade beauty product?