Essential Oil DIY Recipe: Baby Powder

Ready for another naturally great DIY Essential Oil recipe? This one is mom-approved, baby-approved and cloth diapering safe! This week we give you essential oil-infused Baby Powder! As always, you can throw our recipes together with household staples and your favorite essential oils.

Keep baby's skin soft AND your peace of mind? That's a win-win with this DIY Baby Powder. 

Keep baby's skin soft AND your peace of mind? That's a win-win with this DIY Baby Powder. 

Supplies & Ingredients


  • Glass Mixing Bowl
  • Measuring Cups
  • Mixing Spoon
  • Storage Container (Mason Jar or glass shaker)*

*Store in a dark, dry place.


  • 1/2 cup Arrowroot powder**
  • 5-10 drops of (pick one):
  • Lavender
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Melrose
  • Gentle Baby

**You can also use ¼ cup cornstarch and ¼ cup Arrowroot, but again, we prefer Arrowroot. It’s best for sensitive skin and does not promote yeast growth like cornstarch can.

How It’s Done

Another “why haven’t I tried this before” two-step process!

  1. Combine all ingredients in your glass mixing bowl.
  2. Store in your chosen container.

Use Today

Baby powder helps absorb extra moisture to keep your baby’s skin soft and smooth. Add your favorite soothing oil to keep your baby smelling fresh and a smile on your face, even during diaper changes. Plus, giving your baby a signature scent will give you an instant connection to sweet baby days whenever you happen to smell the oil you use in your powder recipe, even years later!

For baby,

  1. Shake powder out onto your hand (avoiding baby’s face).
  2. Apply with every diaper change and after every bath.

For You,

Don’t let baby have all the fun! This recipe is also great for parents (and non-parents). Apply in the morning and throughout the day to keep your skin sweat-free and soft.

Do you DIY? What’s your can’t-live-without-it homemade beauty product?

Essential DIY Recipes: Deodorant Powder

We’re back with another essential oil-infused DIY recipe: Deodorant Powder. While ditching commercial hand soaps or toothpastes is often no sweat (hello there, Thieves line), finding a natural deodorant you love can be tough.

We get it. We don’t like to mess with BO or skin sensitivity, either. But we also don’t like to mess with applying harsh chemicals on our bodies, especially so close to lymph nodes and breast tissue. Making your own deodorant helps you ditch no-no ingredients like aluminum and Fragrance and switch to essential oil-powered freshness you can feel great about.

Simple instructions, common supplies, power to personalize...what are you waiting for? This DIY deodorant power is amazing! 

Simple instructions, common supplies, power to personalize...what are you waiting for? This DIY deodorant power is amazing! 

Supplies & Ingredients


  • Glass Mixing Bowl
  • Measuring Spoons and Cups
  • Mixing Spoon
  • Storage Container (like a salt shaker or baby powder bottle)


  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch*
  • 10 drops of your favorite Essential Oil

Tree of Life Fresh Favorites: Our team loves adding Purification, Stress Away, Lavender, Cedarwood and Shutran to this natural deodorant recipe. Mix, match and experiment to find your signature scent.

*Pro Tip: We usually prefer arrowroot over cornstarch. Cornstarch can cause skin sensitivity and yeast growth. Test both and find what works for you!

How It’s Done

  1. Combine all ingredients in your glass mixing bowl.
  2. Store in your chosen container.

Use Today

Apply under arms as needed.

Need Extra Protection? You’ve Got it!

If you feel like you need even more BO warding power, you have a few options:

  1. Layer: Apply a few more drops of your favorite scent on top of powder.
  2. Spray:  Or, make a water and purification spray in a glass spray bottle to spray on top. This method is another Tree of Life favorite!


Are you planning to make your own Deodorant Powder? Share which signature Essential Oil scent you’ll add to your DIY recipe in the comments!


Essential Oil DIY Recipes: Dry Shampoo

How is your ditching and switching going? To support your quest to banish parabens, dyes and fragrances from your personal care routine, we are kicking off a new series: Essential Oil DIY.

We’ve rounded up several recipes that you can whip up with common household ingredients and your favorite essential oils. Tune in each week to make Ditch and Switch even easier.

Today, we are inspired by the Young Living blog and we’re sharing their Dry Shampoo recipe with a few tips of our own.

Essential Oil-Infused DIY Dry Shampoo

Keep your locks luscious by only shampooing once or twice a week … yes, really. If your hair starts to get greasy between shampoos, then it’s dry shampoo to the rescue! It will absorb oil and leave your hair smelling great!

We love this recipe because it’s fast, easy and full of things you already have around your house.

Getting Started: Supplies & Ingredients


Quick - Gather a few supplies around your house and let’s get started!

  • Glass Mixing Bowl
  • Measuring Spoons and Cups
  • Mixing Spoon
  • Storage Container (like a salt shaker or baby powder bottle)
  • Old Blush Brush


Delicious Detail: If you have dark hair, add 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder. Consider adding scents that go well with chocolate like a drop or two of Peppermint essential oil, yum!

Play with Personalization: Here are a few more oils that are great for hair and scalp support: Lavender, Patchouli, Clary Sage. Swap out an oil above for one of these for a new way to love your locks.  

How It’s Done

See? Quick and easy!

Use Today!

  1. Sprinkle on roots of hair, start with your natural part and continue to re-part your hair for full coverage.
  2. Blend shampoo into hair with your makeup brush and massage into scalp for a deep clean.
  3. Leave for 2–3 minutes to absorb hair’s natural oils.
  4. Brush through your hair.

There’s More

Tune in next week for another quick and easy DIY recipe! If you’re interested in growing your scalp-supporting oil collection, consider joining the Essential Rewards program. You can order new oils each month, while earning free stuff and points toward even more oils. It’s pretty amazing and we encourage all fellow oil-lovers to give it a try!