Oil of the Week: Lemon

Welcome back to our Oil of the Week series! Last week, we covered PanAway. Next up? Lemon Vitality. Just to recap: each week we’ll be covering an oil or blend from the Young Living Premium Starter Kit. And by covering, we mean offering real, day-to-day tips to help you start using the oils now.

Lemon: Freshly Squeezed Citrus Goodness

You’ve probably had a slice of lemon in your water, and you’ve probably used traditional cleaners with a bright, lemony scent. So you already know some benefits of lemon: it tastes and smells wonderful. But what can Young Living Lemon Vitality do for you? Yup, that’s what we’re here to share.  

Citrus Secret: Limonene

Young Living Lemon Vitality supports mood, skin, digestion and more! 

Young Living Lemon Vitality supports mood, skin, digestion and more! 

75 lemons. That’s what one 15-ml bottle of Lemon Vitality contains. So, it takes just a drop or 2 to reap the benefits of Limonene, a naturally occurring chemical found in citrus rinds. Limonene helps support body functions inside and out, as well as boosting natural house cleaning. Some top benefits include:

  • Healthy, balanced skin
  • Digestive wellness
  • Weight management
  • Mood support
  • Heightened focus
  • Natural flavoring
  • Natural cleaning

Sensitive Skin Watch

Lemon can make your skin more sensitive to UV light and sun. So avoid direct sunlight for 24 hours after application.

4 Ways to Use Lemon Vitality

#1: Diffusion

Try not to smile when you walk into a room with a lemony fresh scent. Lemon is known for its mood-boosting aroma. But beyond that, lemon can help support mental focus. Try diffusing while studying, reading or writing.

Oily Moms-to-Be: Try to diffuse or inhale lemon to beat those morning (noon and night) queezies. 

#2: Cleaning

If you ever have the chance to go to a Premium Starter Kit class with some Young Living mentors, you’ll probably hear stories about how lemon saved the day with that weird sticky stuff that nothing else could get out. Lemon is a go-to for chemical-free cleaning. It works AND it smells fresh. When in doubt, reach for lemon.

And lemon can also enhance Thieves household cleaner! Check out our Spring Cleaning post for even more lemon-infused ideas.

#3: Hydration

Drinking more water has a host of benefits, not to mention beautiful skin. Flavor your water with a drop of Lemon Vitality for a crisp and refreshing start to your day.

Note: Only use Young Living essential oils in glass or stainless steel containers.

#4: Flavor

Lemon Vitality was formulated as a dietary supplement. Translation: have fun with flavor! The possibilities are nearly endless. Try lemon in baking, yogurt and marinades. Start with a drop or two, again, Lemon Vitality is highly concentrated!

More Please!

Young Living Lemon Vitality works wonders a natural cleaner. 

Young Living Lemon Vitality works wonders a natural cleaner. 

Stay tuned for more Oil of the Week posts as well as our upcoming Convention 2016 recap (translation...new products!). We’re so excited to share this oily journey with you! Please contact us with any questions. We love hearing from you!

Oil of the Week: PanAway

Welcome to a brand new series from Tree of Life...drumroll...Oil of the Week. Each week (or so;), one of our team will share a few ways you can start using one of our favorite oils today. Like, now. Right after you read the post. Practical. Informational. Perfect? (We’re pumped.)

The Premium Starter Kit from Young Living includes Lavender, Peppermint Vitality, Lemon Vitality, Copaiba Vitality, Frankincense, Thieves Vitality, Purification, R.C., DiGize Vitality, PanAway & Stress Away.  

The Premium Starter Kit from Young Living includes Lavender, Peppermint Vitality, Lemon Vitality, Copaiba Vitality, Frankincense, Thieves Vitality, Purification, R.C., DiGize Vitality, PanAway & Stress Away.  

In a burst of logical inspiration, we decided to start at the beginning. Stay tuned as we go through each oil in the Premium Starter Kit. We hope that as you follow along, you’ll learn more and start using each oil in a way that easily fits into your daily life.

First up, PanAway by Alexis Peters. 

The PanAway Power Play

The last 4 years of my life have been a whirlwind. In February 2012, my husband and I were in a head-on car collision on the way to work. One long month in the hospital and 2 major surgeries later, I was on the road to recovery. It was the scariest, hardest, most full of love and support time of my life.

I’m thankful to report that the rest of the whirlwind has been a different journey altogether -- bringing two sweet boys into the world. I’ve come a long way since the wreck and surgeries, but the equation of spinal fusion, two pregnancies and caring for two small children leaves me with lots of aches by the end of each day. Not to mention my postpartum exercise program I’ve added back into my life for the last 3 months or so.

That’s why I’ve really connected with the blend PanAway. It’s designed to:

  • Support stressed muscles
  • Support healthy circulation
  • Help alleviate head tension
  • Prepare the body for a workout

Pick a bullet point, and I’m there at some point of the day. Find out how you can harness the power of PanAway in your own routine. But first, a little background.

What’s in PanAway, Anyway?

Think "Pain Away" when you see PanAway. This mix of Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove & Peppermint helps soothe minor muscle aches and head tension.  

Think "Pain Away" when you see PanAway. This mix of Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove & Peppermint helps soothe minor muscle aches and head tension.  

PanAway is an essential oil blend. So it’s a mix of several therapeutic-grade essential oils:

  • Wintergreen
  • Helichrysum
  • Clove
  • Peppermint

These oils work together to soothe minor aches and penetrate skin for optimal benefit.

Sensitive Skin Watch

PanAway can possibly cause skin sensitivity. Test PanAway on a small skin patch before massaging further. Dilute with your favorite massage oil or carrier oil (I’ve tried Jojoba with great success) to help lessen your chances of irritation and to stretch the blend if you want to massage a larger part of your body (e.g. your back).

Going Deeper: Perfect Pairings

Add more Helichrysum for a deep tissue massage. For additional bone support, more Wintergreen may be applied.

4 Ways to Use PanAway

#1: Muscle Out Minor Muscle Aches:

Option 1: Massage.

Step 1: Dilute 1-2 drops PanAway with your favorite carrier oil (coconut or olive oil are 2 other options).

Step 2: Massage directly on your stressed, tired muscles after a workout or a day chasing babies. 

Option 2: Warm Compress: 

For prolonged soothing, try a warm compress. Perfect end to a long day!

Step 1: Apply 1-3 drops of PanAway plus carrier oil on location or along spine.

Step 2: Cover with a hot, damp towel.

Step 3: Layer on a dry towel, leave for 10 minutes to half an hour.

#2: Circulation Support

Step 1: Dilute 1-2 drops PanAway with your favorite carrier oil.

Step 2: Massage on location in the direction of your heart (e.g. for legs, start at your ankle and work your way up).

#3: Head Tension

Work toward calm with these tips.

Option 1: Aromatically

Diffuse PanAway or apply 1 drop to hands, rub them together and inhale.

Option 2: On Location

Rub 1-2 drops diluted PanAway on temples and back of neck.

#4: Work Out Your Workout

Apply to the neck before your workout for invigorating respiratory and muscular support.  

More, Please!

And there you have it. The first installment of our Oil of the Week series. We love sharing and learning about the oils, so we’d love to hear from you! Do you have any tips or questions about PanAway? Leave them in the comments.

Young Living June Promo: Summer Savings!

Abundance. Joy. Ease. Wisdom. Just a few things we could use a little (or a lot) more of as we kick off summer break. That's why we love Young Living's June Promo. With your qualifying purchase, you can start the season with great savings on some of Young Living's top essential oil blends, including one of our favoritesJoy. Want to learn more? Read our post on this beloved blend. And read on for all the details on this month's PV Promo. 

Enjoy summer savings with the 2016 Young Living June Promo! Earn MindWise, Abundance, Joy & AromaEase with your qualifying purchase. 

Enjoy summer savings with the 2016 Young Living June Promo! Earn MindWise, Abundance, Joy & AromaEase with your qualifying purchase. 

The Promo Details

300 PV Retail Value: $223.02

MindWise™ combines exotic sacha inchi nut oil with a proprietary MindWise oil blend for a unique supplement that supports normal brain and heart function.

MindWise™ combines exotic sacha inchi nut oil with a proprietary MindWise oil blend for a unique supplement that supports normal brain and heart function.

  • 16-oz. MindWise: MindWise™ combines exotic sacha inchi nut oil with a proprietary MindWise essential oil blend for a unique daily dietary supplement that supports normal brain and heart function.
  • 20 Essential Rewards points: Earn 20 additional Essential Rewards points with your qualifying order. Your Essential Rewards points can be used like cash toward many of your favorite products!
  • 15-ml Abundance: Abundance™ combines authentic essential oils such as Orange, Frankincense, and Ginger—fragrances that ancient cultures believed could magnify a sense of abundance, joy, and peace.
  • 5-ml Joy: The aroma of Joy™ encourages romance, bliss, and warmth when diffused. When worn as a fragrance, Joy invites a sense of togetherness.
  • Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml AromaEase: Apply Aroma Ease™ topically to enjoy a refreshingly cool sensation or diffuse it to bring its cool, minty aroma to your home.

250 PV Retail Value: $144.40

Invite Joy into your life with this popular Young Living blend. Quick Tip: To wear as a fragrance, apply over heart, ears, neck and wrist. 

Invite Joy into your life with this popular Young Living blend. Quick Tip: To wear as a fragrance, apply over heart, ears, neck and wrist. 

  • 20 Essential Rewards points  
  • 15-ml Abundance
  • 5-ml Joy
  • Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml AromaEase

190 PV Retail Value: $118.08

Earn Abundance! Taking cues from ancient cultures, this blend combines Orange and Frankincense to attract prosperity and magnify joy and peace. 

Earn Abundance! Taking cues from ancient cultures, this blend combines Orange and Frankincense to attract prosperity and magnify joy and peace. 

  • 15-ml Abundance
  • 5-ml Joy
  • Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml AromaEas 

Ready for More?

AromaEase is a minty blend that comes in handy after a large meal or before a long car ride. 

AromaEase is a minty blend that comes in handy after a large meal or before a long car ride. 

If you're new to the world of Essential Oils, we'd love to help! We've got info about how to get started, and then how to get even more with Young Living's wonderful autoship program, Essential Rewards. And as always, questions and comments are more than welcome!