Essential Oils: Gifts Fit for a King

Matthew 2:11 “As they [the wise men] came into the house and saw the child with Mary his mother, they bowed down and worshiped him. They opened their treasure boxes and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” 

They opened their treasure boxes. As I contemplate that phrase, I am reminded that essential oils are treasures. Honestly, I don’t always treat them as such. I keep oils in my kitchen, in my bathroom, in my purse – everywhere I am! I treat them almost casually because they are as much a part of my life as breathing! Scripture has a “funny” way of reminding me, of bringing me back to what is important.  

Essential Oils: Gifts Fit for a King


The wise men traveled for months to find a “king” they had read about. When they found him, with the help of the Lord and a star, they bowed down and worshiped him.  Then, they opened their treasure boxes and gave him gifts!

They offered the Treasure of Heaven gifts from their treasure boxes. Gifts they had prepared in advance. Gifts they had carried for miles. Precious gifts. Gifts fit for a king: gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Essential oils for a child? Yes. Essential oils for a poor family in a foreign country? Yes. Essential oils for a king? Yes.  

Why Frankincense & Myrrh?


Why? Did Mary and Joseph know they were treasures? Why were they treasures?   What was their purpose? Did they know what to do with them?

Plants and oils were part of everyday life in Bible times, much like they are in mine today! So, what made these two oils, frankincense and myrrh, more precious than others? Thanks to history and science, we have learned much about these two plants and essential oils. Let’s take a look at them!

Frankincense: The Right Frequency  

Frankincense has one of the highest frequencies in the essential oil world. Your body has frequencies as well. When the frequencies of your body come in contact with the frequencies of frankincense oil wonderful things happen!

Historically, frankincense was used for:

  • anointing
  • aromatherapy
  • spiritual enhancement
  • healing and wellness

I admit, I do not do much anointing on a daily basis, but I do use my oils for the other purposes listed.

Much research has been done in my home on the use of frankincense and promoting skin care. I do not have to go further than my bathroom mirror to see the amazing skin benefits of frankincense.  

I have also personally found that adding frankincense to other oils I use truly “kicks it up a notch.” Perhaps the high frequency gives my body what it is needs to keep doing what it is designed to do!  

Whatever the scientific reason, I know our home will never be without our frankincense!  We use it for spiritual health, emotional health, and physical health.

I have used it to support my:

  • skin
  • respiratory system
  • immune system
  • sleep

Frankincense is a day-to-day treasure for issues that arise in our home!

Myrrh: A Multitasking Treasure

Let’s move on to the treasure of myrrh oil. Yes, I love my frankincense, but myrrh is a treasure in our home, too. Although myrrh’s frequency is not as high as frankincense, it was one of the most desired oils in Bible times.

Historically, it was used to prevent infection, to aid in healing of the skin, and, of course, to promote spiritual awareness. Perhaps the skin on Mary’s belly was not as smooth as it had been. Perhaps as her baby grew, he might fall and scrape his knee.  Perhaps this young family would use their myrrh in worship.

Since Mary had just given birth, she would certainly find many uses for her newly acquired treasure of myrrh, both for herself and her family. It is an oil that can promote:

  • dental health
  • skin health
  • respiratory health
  • immune system

Join My Team to Find Out More About the Gift of Frankincense & Myrrh 


Although scripture doesn’t specifically answer the question of “why,” my mind runs rampant with reasons young Mary and Joseph would find many uses for the treasures of frankincense and myrrh given to them by the wise men!

I am also fairly confident they did not attend an oil class or research the uses on the internet, but since our western culture is not as versed in essential oils, I would be honored to help you explore how to incorporate frankincense and myrrh oil into your everyday life.

Join my incredible Silver (#1339187) team here to begin your Young Living journey toward better health, wellness and abundance! For any questions, please contact me at

Whether or not you travel a long distance, as you open your Christmas boxes to view your own new treasures, I hope you are reminded of the True Treasure found by the wise men long ago.  May be your home be filled with the blessing of love and laughter!

Ho-Ho-Holiday Foods & Gut Health

The holidays (and seasonal weight gain) are upon us! Work parties, class parties, family get-togethers… there’s no escaping the food spreads! And oh, it can be soooo tempting to go back for seconds!

But there’s more than just an expanding midsection at stake this holiday season, did you know that your gastrointestinal tract (GIT) health is the cornerstone to 80% of your overall health? Find out how to promote, maintain and support your GIT health this holiday season and year round with these tips and tricks.

Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) Health: Cornerstone to Your Overall Health

If your digestive system is in order, it should be filled with healthy bacteria (flora) and enzymes that break down your food while supporting your immune system, nervous system and all of your hormonal functions. Translation: You’ll feel great!

Common body functions/systems a healthy GIT can help support:

  • Energy
  • Positive Mood
  • Healthier Cravings
  • Digestion
  • Immune System
  • Skin
  • Vaginal health
  • Mental Focus
  • Healthy Weight Maintenance

What damages the gut flora lining?

Our gut lining is one cell thick, so supporting its health (and preventing the spread of candida yeast) is crucial. Candida spreads and is hard to kill! The result: a “leaky gut” that allows partially digested foods to flow through the damaged area of the intestinal lining and enter the bloodstream directly (Yikes!).


This leak can cause intolerances and the release of stress hormones. One of these stress hormones, cortisol (produced in Adrenal Glands), further taxes the body, starts to IMPAIR the body's immune system, and promotes WEIGHT GAIN in the mid-section.

Substances that damage the GIT

  • Pain Killers
  • Poor food choices (processed foods)
  • Viruses
  • Parasites
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Antibiotics
  • NSAIDs
  • Bad bacteria

The 4 R’s of GIT Health

Support your GIT health by remembering the 4 R’s.


God created our bodies and our foods... let's just try to stick to His foods – His plan. Start your journey to GIT health by removing stressors and these unhealthy food choices from your life:

  • fake foods that are loaded in toxins (aka “processed foods”)
  • strong & excessive caffeine
  • sugars
  • sugar substitutes
  • diet colas & regular colas
  • preservatives
  • alcohol
  • gluten & dairy (test these one at a time to see if your body responds because not everyone is sensitive to them)

Rule of thumb: If there are words on the ingredients list you can’t pronounce, then don’t buy it. And if the ingredients probably won’t be found in your own kitchen ingredients pantry, then don’t buy it.


I take  Oregano Oil, Copaiba, and Thieves to promote organ health. Organic coconut oil is great for its probiotic power. 

I take  Oregano Oil, Copaiba, and Thieves to promote organ health. Organic coconut oil is great for its probiotic power. 

Time to take action! Here are 4 steps to help repair your GIT health.

Step 1: As part of an unprocessed diet, be sure to include omega-3s like OmegaGize and vitamins such as zinc, antioxidants (vitamins A, C, & E), L-glutamin, quercitin, aloe vera, and turmeric. Master Formula contains all your vitamin needs, plus oils that research has proven to support organ tissue health.

Step 2: Allow your gut to rest by juicing or fasting.

Step 3: Consume Caprylic Acid, which comes from coconut oil, to kill candida yeast. Longevity contains coconut oil plus essential oils that support healthy cells.

Step 4: Take Oregano Oil, Copaiba, and Thieves to promote organ health.


Life 5, a powerful probiotic, is on my DAILY supplement lifst! 

Life 5, a powerful probiotic, is on my DAILY supplement lifst! 

Probiotics help restore gut flora. It’s a good idea to take a probiotic daily. On days you are taking antibiotics or are sick, increase your dosage. This is why Life 5 is on my DAILY supplement list!   

Life 5 builds and restores core intestinal health by providing five clinically proven probiotic strains including two advanced super strains to enhance intestinal health, sustain energy and improve immunity. Life 5 contains 10 billion active cultures and improves colonization up to 10 times.

Try to also include fermented food & beverages such as greek yogurt (no sugar), water kefir, milk kefir, kombucha, kimchi, or sauerkraut. These fermented foods and drinks are high in probiotics. Go to your local health food store for all of these (or brew your own... or contact me for grains to get started on your own)! I take Life 5 DAILY along with drinking Kombucha!


Young Living’s Core Supplement Kit contains EVERYTHING you need for gut health (Master Formula, Life 5, OmegaGize, and Longevity).  I would also add in Essentialzyme for the breaking down and absorption of vitamins and minerals from your f…

Young Living’s Core Supplement Kit contains EVERYTHING you need for gut health (Master Formula, Life 5, OmegaGize, and Longevity).  I would also add in Essentialzyme for the breaking down and absorption of vitamins and minerals from your food!

Help the gut ease back into proper functioning by taking digestive enzyme supplements, such as Essentialzyme. Continue taking Life 5 probiotics for gut health maintenance. Try to eat ½ a plate of vegetables at each meal and also eat something raw at each meal. “Raw” foods provide live enzymes! This could be an apple, mixed salad, or raw cheese.

Young Living’s Core Supplement Kit contains EVERYTHING you need for gut health (Master Formula, Life 5, OmegaGize, and Longevity) and I would also add in Essentialzyme for the breaking down and absorption of vitamins and minerals from your food!

Ask Santa (or Me!) for Help Stuffing Your Stocking with Essential Oils


Holidays can be exciting! Just try to enjoy the company more than the second plate of food! Get plenty of sleep and rest for the gut. And, oh yeah… ask Santa for a stocking full of Young Living supplements and essential oils!

Christie Brooks, Registered Dietitian

Level 1 CrossFit Trainer

Young Living Essential Oils Distributor & Educator #1376241


Baby, It's Cold Outside: Get Your Slique (Tea) On

I was out of town for a couple of weeks and when I returned my box was here. You know the one. The one that, even if I already have every single item in it, is always my favorite box. But this box was different. This box did have something new. It had my Slique Tea.

"I don't know what took me so long..."

I don't know why I waited so long to try this cozy cup of deliciousness! 

I don't know why I waited so long to try this cozy cup of deliciousness! 

I don’t know what took me so long to order it, I thought about it a dozen times. It just kept getting pushed off for something ‘better.’ Well, I am here to tell you, no more. I really like this stuff. I drank my first little bag of it with a tsp of honey. And I won’t stop there. I plan to try different sweeteners like agave, or maybe even maple syrup, just to shake it up a bit. The sky is the limit.

I keep thinking, why did I wait so long? I like the Slique oil, I like everything in it. I like the Slique Bars, again, yum! So why did I wait? Well to confess, I don’t really like tea (gasp). I know, I know. To be from the south and not like tea, what is wrong with me? I dunno, I just never have. So, now I do, but only if it is my Slique Tea.  Hmmm, now let’s pray I get my slique on.

Stay Warm & Slique with Slique Tea!

Here’s what’s in each cup of exotic deliciousness:

Jade oolong tea, inulin, ocotea leaf (Ocotea quixos), Ecuadorian cacao powder, vanilla essential oil, frankincense powder (Boswellia sacra), and natural stevia extract. Translation: Yummy and healthy.

How does that help you get your Slique on?

First: Flavonoids.

This dietary compound helps you maintain certain normal, healthy body functions.

Next up: Polyphenols.

Or, my guilt-free secret to weight management. Just add a healthy diet and regular exercise to reach your own goals.

Finally: Frankincense.

As in 100% pure therapeutic grade Frankincense powder, or exactly the quality you’d expect from a Young Living product. This essential oil is my go-to for spiritual refocus, which goes perfectly with a cozy cup of tea.

Questions? Get in Touch! 

Stay warm and Slique this winter with your very own cup of Slique tea. Questions? Drop us a line! The Tree of Life team is excited to help you and your family start your journey to health!  

If you have any questions, please contact me at or join my team here! 

Young Living December Promotion: Gift of a Lifetime!

Happy December to you! Young Living has saved the very best promotion for last in honor of a wonderful 2015. With your qualifying order, you can earn Lavender Essential OilL’Briante’™ Neutral/Winterscent Lip Gloss, Black Pepper Essential Oil AND the Everyday Oils collection – yes, you read that right. Reach any of the following PV minimums with your December order to earn the best promotion EVER. 

Young Living December Promotion

The Gifts

300 PV: Retail Value $278.61

  • 15-ml Lavender essential oil: Lavender’s sweet, relaxing aroma is great for winding down; add it to a hot bath or diffuse to create a calming and comforting aromatic environment.
  • L’Briante’™ Neutral/Winterscent Lip Gloss: LBriante’™ Neutral/Winterscent offers two products in one convenient package—an essential oil scent roll-on and a flattering shade neutral of lip gloss.
  • Everyday Oils Collection: The Everyday Oils™ collection is the perfect beginner’s kit, containing ten of our most popular and versatile essential oils including: 
    • Frankincense Essential Oil
    • Lavender Essential Oil
    • Lemon Essential Oil
    • Peppermint Essential Oil
    • Tea Tree Essential Oil
    • PanAway® Essential Oil Blend
    • Purification® Essential Oil Blend 
    • Thieves® Essential Oil Blend
    • Stress Away™ Essential Oil Blend
    • Joy™ Essential Oil Blend
  • Bonus Essential Rewards Exclusive: 5-ml Black Pepper essential oil: Taken as a supplement, Black pepper essential oil it may support t he digestive system* and can add a peppery zing to recipes.

250 PV: Retail Value $107.89

190 PV: Retail Value $55.59

How to Qualify: Enroll in Essential Rewards 

To earn these great promotions, you must be enrolled in Young Living's optional and free auto ship program, Essential Rewards. If you're not enrolled, the Tree of Life team can help! Check out these 3 ways to enroll in Essential Rewards today! 

Option 1: Check out our Essential Reward 101 guide.

Option 2: Contact your Tree of Life enroller, one of our contributors or write us at

Option 3: Call Young Living Directly at 1-800-371-3515

Once enrolled, make sure you make your qualifying purchase through your Essential Reward Program Link. Again, if you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us