August means time to trade pool bags for book bags, and–as always–Young Living is on top of it. This month's promotion is filled with oil-infused grab-and-go favorites. You may not find these items on your kids' supply list, but that doesn't mean that they aren't essential as you prepare the upcoming school year. Find out how to earn these freebies, and get the most bang for your buck with essential rewards.
Earn these Young Living back-to-school goodies and fall favorites for free(!) with your qualifying purchase this August.
300 PV Retail Value: $173.69
A gym bag must-have, Young Living's Deep Relief Roll-On combines the soothing support of Peppermint, Wintergreen, Dorado Azul, and Helichrysum.
- Deep Relief™ Roll-On
- Breathe Again™ Roll-On
- Thieves® Waterless Hand Purifier 3-pack
- 5-ml Bergamot Vitality™
- 15-ml Lime
- Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive 15-ml Clarity™
Breathe Again Roll-On – another grab-and-go favorite – combines four types of Eucalyptus essential oils with Peppermint and Copaiba. The result? A breath of fresh air perfect for school, the office or anywhere the day takes your family.
250 PV Retail Value: $104.61
It never hurts to add a little peace of mind to your supply list. Keep little hands clean with Young Living Waterless Hand Purifier. Each bottle is the perfect size to stash in a backpack or work tote.
- Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier 3-pack
- 5-ml Bergamot Vitality
- 15-ml Lime
- Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 15-ml Clarity
190 PV Retail Value: $86.52
Add some zest and creativity to weeknight dinners with the complex taste of the Bergamot Vitality. A mix between sour orange and lemon, it's a perfect, citrus addition to marinades or even seafood recipes.
- 5-ml Bergamot Vitality
- 15-ml Lime
- Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 15-ml Clarity
Lift your spirits with Young Living Lime! We love to diffuse this bright scent for an aromatic boost.
Another Essential, Essential Rewards
Invite clarity into your day with this special Young Living blend that combines Basil, Rosemary, Peppermint and more. Just sign up or use essential rewards to earn this exclusive promo!
Earn points toward even more of your favorite Young Living products with Essential Rewards, Young Living's convenient auto-ship program. Benefits include discounted shipping, priority orders and access to exclusive oil kits, just to name a few.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the August Promo, Essential Rewards or anything oily. We can't wait to hear from you!