We Wish You a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

We wanted to take a moment to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Tree of Life Family to yours. To celebrate this special time, we've collected a few of our favorite festive diffuser recipes. It's just a small gift to let you know how much we appreciate you visiting the blog and joining the conversation.


 Enjoy the holiday! See you soon, we are looking forward to a wonderful 2017! 

Young Living Fall Favs: NingXia Red

As temperatures drop and winter officially approaches, it’s more important than ever to give our immune systems a little encouragement. To help you do just that, we’re talking about NingXia Red, a great way to support and maintain a healthy body. Mix this liquid supplement in your favorite hot tea, and it’s like giving your an immune system a nice, warm hug. If that’s not encouraging (and cozy!), we don’t know what is. Read on to find out what makes it so great and creative ways you can treat yourself to the antioxidant goodness, too.

Behind on our series? Check out the rest of our Young Living Fall Favs here: Christmas Spirit, Release, Inner Defense, and R.C., Raven and Breathe Again. Don’t be without them this winter!  

What Makes NingXia Red So Great?

NingXia Red earns a spot on our Fall Favs list by encouraging healthy bodies, even as temperatures drop. 

NingXia Red earns a spot on our Fall Favs list by encouraging healthy bodies, even as temperatures drop. 

The wolfberry (lycium barbarum) is a key ingredient to Young Living’s liquid supplement, NingXia Red. It is a macro nutrient rich fruit, maximizing the full potential of the most vital of antioxidant foods. Young Living chose to use the whole fruit for this purpose. Each bottle contains the pulp of the whole berry, not just the juice, so shake it up before you pour yourself some! The sediment in your beautiful bottle is so important.

Along with the wolfberry, NingXia Red contains blueberries, cherries, pomegranates, and aronia (choke berry), all high in antioxidant power, but, again, none can match that of the wolfberry. The wolfberry ranks highest on the ORAC scale at 1500 units per ounce. Don’t believe me? Go compare it to other whole foods.

Not only does the wolfberry make it great but so do the therapeutic grade essential oils that enhance the flavor and vitality of this supplement. NingXia Red contains Orange, Yuzu, Lemon, and Tangerine essential oil. These four oils provide each of their own unique properties, but all four are known for d-limonene, an amazing compound that supports many body systems from skin to digestion.

NingXia Red is packed full of antioxidants, immune stimulating polysaccharides, carotenoids, and has 15.6g of protein per 100g of fruit. This is just a snippet of the great properties of the NingXia wolfberry that make NingXia Red so amazing.

Great for the Whole Body!

NingXia Red aids in health functions of the whole body. It supports normal blood sugar, promotes regularity in digestion, supports circulation, helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, aids in bone joint and ligament support, combats premature ageing, improves energy levels, supports vision, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, (whew!) … and so much more.

15 Ways to Drink Your NingXia Red

NingXia Red packets make it even easier to get your daily shot in. Pro-Tip: Bottles of NingXia Red may freeze during shipping in the winter, so packets are the way to go for the next few months. 

NingXia Red packets make it even easier to get your daily shot in. Pro-Tip: Bottles of NingXia Red may freeze during shipping in the winter, so packets are the way to go for the next few months. 

I drink NingXia Red every day. Sometimes I need a change from the same old way I drink my Red. There are many different recipes and creative little tricks to change up your NingXia routine. Let’s start with my new favorite. I just discovered it this week!

  • A shot of NingXia Red to my herbal tea in the morning, or at night. I have cut out coffee, which is a process, of course, but I look forward to my cup of NingXia tea in the morning now.
  • NingXia in seltzer water makes a great refreshing and revitalizing treat.
  • A frozen packet of NingXia Red to make a NingXia popsicle.
  • A shot of NingXia Red in your orange juice or other juice.
  • NingXia Red in your smoothie.
  • NingXia Red in your Balance Complete Shake.
  • NingXia Red blended with ice.
  • NingXia Red in your ice water. This is my standby. I like to add a different combination of essential oils every few days to change up the flavor.

Shoot it straight or dress it up with essential oils. Here are some tried and true recipes. Though, the combinations are limitless.

Atomic Fire Ball

  • 1oz NingXia Red
  • 2 drops Cinnamon Bark
  • 1 drop Ocotea

Mind Blaster

  • 1oz. NingXia Red
  • 1 drop Lime
  • 1 drop Peppermint
  • 1 drop Lemon
  • 1 drop Copaiba
  • 1 drop Cinnamon Bark

Hot Flash

  • 1 oz. NingXia Red
  • 2 drops Cinnamon Bark
  • 2 drops Peppermint


  • 1 oz. NingXia Red
  • 1 drop Orange
  • 1 drop Lime
  • 1 drop Tangerine
  • 1 drop Copaiba
  • 1 drop Grapefruit
  • 1 drop Lemon

Cimply Smooth

  • 1 oz. NingXia Red
  • 2 drops Tangerine
  • 2 drops Lime
  • 1 drop StressAway

Jump Start

  • 2 oz. NingXia Red
  • 3 drops Lime
  • 3 drops Orange
  • 2 drops Frankincense
  • 1 drop Black Pepper

Morning Glory

  • 2 oz. NingXia Red
  • 3 drops Citrus Fresh
  • 1 drop Black Pepper
  • 1 drop Bergamot

Note: Always drink 8-12 oz. of water with your NingXia Red to help your body absorb all of its nutrients.

Have you had your NingXia Red today? Share your favorite recipe in the comments!

Young Living Fall Favs: R.C., Raven & Breathe Again (What's the Difference?)

Sometimes this much-quoted Top Gun line comes to mind: “I feel the need, the need for SPEED!” Except, living in Houston, I find myself looking at my oil choices thinking, “I feel the need, the need to BREATHE!”

Fortunately, Young Living offers access to some really great oils to fill that need. While I sincerely appreciate the plants God created and YL’s ability to distill them into little bottles of oily awesomeness, TOO MANY CHOICES MAKE MY LITTLE BRAIN CONFUSED! Which one? How do I choose? What’s the difference?

Let’s focus on three of my favorite “breathing” oils! (See what I did there?!)

What’s the Difference? R.C., Raven & Breathe Again

R.C., Raven and Breathe Again all help support your respiratory system, but when should you use each? Good question! We're here with some helpful tips. 

R.C., Raven and Breathe Again all help support your respiratory system, but when should you use each? Good question! We're here with some helpful tips. 

First up: R.C.

R.C. is a blend of Eucalyptus (E. globulus), myrtle, pine, marjoram, eucalyptus radiata, eucalyptus citriodora, lavender, cypress, tsuga, and peppermint. What? Three different eucalyptus plants? Eucalyptus has great soothing properties, and RC delivers eucalyptus times 3! WOW! Add in myrtle, marjoram, peppermint and a few others, and you have powerful respiratory support.

I think everyone who breathes needs R.C., so let’s explore how to use it:

  • Massage on chest, back and/or feet
  • Use as compress on sinuses and nasal passages
  • Rub around ears, neck and throat
  • Use in diffuser
  • Add to steaming water; put towel over your head and inhale

At this point, I’ll make a confession. Having been through nursing school, I understand the intricacies of the respiratory system. Lean in now because I’m about to whisper … at night when the lights are out in the bedroom my diffuser runs with R.C. and lavender. Why, you ask? My husband had a really bad habit of making excessive noises while he slept! With R.C. in the diffuser, I have a MUCH more peaceful night’s rest! A little extra R.C. on his throat and chest and – what’s that? – sweet silence! Shhhhhh.

Next up: Raven, an excellent companion oil to R.C.

Raven is a blend of Ravensara, lemon, wintergreen, peppermint, and Eucalyptus radiata. Although it has fewer oils, it goes “beyond R.C.” for your respiratory system. Ravensara is a heavy hitter. As a cross between clove and nutmeg, it also supports the endocrine system. The added wintergreen contains 99% methyl salicylate, which gives it an extra punch. Another great benefit of Raven is skin support, but use caution and/or add V-6 oil (carrier oil) to avoid skin sensitivity. How would I use Raven?

  • Apply to lungs and throat
  • Put on pillow at night
  • Use in retention suppository with V-6 throughout the night to give lung support through the night
  • Use in diffuser
  • Add to steaming water; put towel over your head and inhale

Before I go further, it should be mentioned that alternating oils can be quite effective. R.C. and Raven can be exchanged and alternated effectively. For example, I might apply Raven on my feet and R.C. on my throat and chest, alternating morning and night.

Last up: Breathe Again Roll-On

If you like eucalyptus and you think R.C. is action packed, Breathe Again is your new best friend! This baby contains four (yep, count ‘em) FOUR single eucalyptus oils: eucalyptus staigeriana, eucalyptus globulus, laurel, rose hip, peppermint, eucalyptus radiata, copaiba, myrtle, manuka and eucalyptus blue.

Since it is a roll-on, it contains coconut oil as a carrier oil to help with the functionality of the roller filament. Typically, a one inch “roll” on the skin delivers about one drop of oil.  

Several of the single oils in this blend are noteworthy. Copaiba is extremely high in beta-caryophyllene. Manuka has a stabilizing and calming aroma. Eucalyptus blue’s invigorating scent offers a sense of peace and balance.

Even with the coconut oil added, be aware that this blend can cause skin sensitivity and is cautioned for use during pregnancy. How and/or when would I apply Breathe Again?

  • Across the bridge of my nose
  • On my sinus areas
  • Under the nose
  • Over the chest area

So, Which is Best?

You may still be wondering, ”Which one of the three is best?” Actually, it depends on your preference. In my family, one of my daughters prefers Raven and the other prefers R.C. I use both and carry Breathe Again in my purse.  

As I mentioned earlier, R.C. goes in my diffuser every night, but when I’m looking for serious respiratory support, I reach for Raven. If you want a particular result from an oil and aren’t getting the result you want, try switching oils. R.C., Raven and Breathe Again are only three of many YL oils you can choose. You might also consider adding Thieves and/or Frankincense to your respiratory support arsenal.  

If I had to make a comparison based on single oils in each blend, I would rate Raven as more powerful than R.C., and Breathe Again as a “convenience” oil due to the roller filament. I love the travel convenience of the roller aspect of Breathe Again, but when I am at home, I prefer inhaling oils from my hands, using them topically and in my diffuser. Try them all! Choose your favorite or alternate them! There is not a loser in the group!   

Join Our Team

Connect with us on FB on our Tree of Life page! You'll never miss a blog or update. Also, find me on FB and I’ll add you to my personal group, Oil Together Now and/or check out my website www.OilTogetherNow.net. If you have questions, you can drop me a note at OilTogethNow@gmail.com. I’d love to have you as part of my YL family where we live and learn with wellness, purpose and abundance!

Young Living December Promotion: Rewards to Celebrate!

We hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving! We're back this week to unveil some free holiday goodies. The December promotion includes yummy seasonal favorites like nutmeg, orange vitality and NingXia Nitro as well as a new blend, Excite. Excited? We are, too. We totally won't tell if you crack these gifts open before December 25. 

The Ho-Ho-Holiday Promotion

It's not hard to get in the spirit with rewards like these! 

It's not hard to get in the spirit with rewards like these! 

300 PV (Retail Value: $207.89)

  • 5-ml Excite: This promo-exclusive blend of Ocotea, Nutmeg, and more was created by D. Gary Young to encourage both energy for the holidays and inspiration for the new year. 
  • 15-ml Abundance™: In ancient cultures, Orange, Frankincense, Patchouli, and Ginger essential oils were used to bring an abundance of prosperity, joy and peace. 
  • NingXia Nitro®: NingXia Nitro is a Tree of Life holiday favorite. It supports alertness, as well as cognitive and physical fitness. Each box contains 14 20-ml tubes. 
  • 5-ml Orange Vitality™: Orange Vitality + Baked Goods. Enough said, right? 

Bonus Essential Rewards exclusives:

  • 5-ml Nutmeg: We love to diffuse this spice as we welcome guests. Try it with Orange for a zesty twist.  
  • 5-ml Tea Tree: Tea Tree is a must-have in your winter skin tool box. Its cleansing properties keep your skin smooth, no matter the weather.  

250 PV (Retail Value: $90.79)

  • NingXia Nitro, 14-count box 
  • 5-ml Orange Vitality 

Bonus Essential Rewards exclusives: 

  • 5-ml Nutmeg
  • 5-ml Tea Tree

190 PV (Retail Value: $39.80)

  • 5-ml Orange Vitality 

Bonus Essential Rewards exclusives: 

  • 5-ml Nutmeg
  • 5-ml Tea Tree 

100 PV (Retail Value: $14.80)

Bonus Essential Rewards exclusives: 

  • 5-ml Tea Tree 

See you Soon!

Next week, we'll continue to share our Young Living seasonal favorites, stay tuned! As always, if you have any questions about our post our how to join our Young Living community, don't hesitate to leave a comment or get in touch