Hey all! We’ve got a few fun updates we’d like to share today.
#1: Introducing our new logo!
Our new, improved (more modern) logo!
We are still dedicated to everything oily and, of course, YOUR journey to finding a healthier you. Our blog, classes and community are all about finding natural ways to support you and your family’s wellness. Our new logo doesn’t change any of that. It’s just a modern take on look we already loved! Going forward, you’ll be seeing this logo on our site, Facebook, graphics and business cards.
#2: Introducing Tree of Life en español!
We have a new contributor Nora (check her bio here) who will be translating posts and sharing oily goodness in Spanish. If you or anyone you know would enjoy oil-powered posts in Spanish, please share this link and check back often!
Here’s her first post about Ningxia Red.