January Promo: Great Start Freebies

Get 2019 off to a great start with the January Promo! Whether your follow up your workout with a PanAway massage or boost your mood with Citrus Fresh, this promo is designed to encourage your wellness goals as you head into the new year.

Support gut health (and your fresh eating goals) with Life 9 probiotics and DiGize Vitality!

Support gut health (and your fresh eating goals) with Life 9 probiotics and DiGize Vitality!


Retail Value: $174.02

5-ml PanAway

15-ml Longevity

30 Count Life 9

Bonus Essential Rewards Exclusive:

15-ml Citrus Fresh

5-ml DiGize Vitality


Retail Value: $126.32

15-ml Longevity

30 Count Life 9

Bonus Essential Rewards Exclusive:

15-ml Citrus Fresh

5-ml DiGize Vitality


Retail Value: $77.96

30 Count Life 9

Bonus Essential Rewards Exclusive:

15-ml Citrus Fresh

5-ml DiGize Vitality


Retail Value: $88.42

Bonus Essential Rewards Exclusive: 5-ml DiGize Vitality™

Young Living August Promotion: Big Announcement

Young Living is pleased to announce that for the first time since last year, and as a big thank you to our wonderful members, we will be offering at least one 15-ml essential oil as part of the monthly PV promotion for the rest of 2015!

Big Announcement: For the rest of 2015, you will have the chance to earn at least one 15-ml essential oil as part of the monthly PV promotion! First up: Peppermint.  

Big Announcement: For the rest of 2015, you will have the chance to earn at least one 15-ml essential oil as part of the monthly PV promotion! First up: Peppermint.  

We’re starting off with 15-ml Peppermint, as well as 5-ml Basil. With your qualifying August order, you can also earn 20 bonus Essential Rewards points and the natural supportive benefits of Longevity™ Softgels!

Reach any of the following PV minimums and earn these great free products:

  • 15-ml Peppermint: Famous for its recognizable fresh flavor, Peppermint essential oil promotes and enhances healthy intestinal function.
  • 20 bonus Essential Rewards points: Earn an additional 20 Essential Rewards points that you can use toward your favorite Young Living products.
  • Longevity Softgels: Longevity is a potent blend of essential oils such as Frankincense, Clove, Thyme, and Orange.
  • Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Basil: Basil essential oil has a fresh and herbaceous taste that makes it a flavorful substitute for dried basil herb. Only available in qualifying Essential Rewards orders of 190 PV or more.

Enzymes: The Key to Longevity & Health

Did you know? Low enzyme levels are America's #1 cause of sickness and death. On the other hand, when enzymes like amylase, protease, and lipase are plentiful, the body remains healthy.

I know.

This sounds a little heavy, but in April, 2011, I learned the value of these proteins first hand. Inspired by a seminar where our founder Gary Young spoke on Young Living's enzymes, I increased my usage of Young Living's enzymes for the next 4 weeks. My results were outstanding.   

Gary Young, our founder, with ESSENTIALZYMES-4. Our enzymes are enteric-coated and will digest in the colon which will work for you!

Gary Young, our founder, with ESSENTIALZYMES-4. Our enzymes are enteric-coated and will digest in the colon which will work for you!

Digestive Benefits

Allerzyme: Vegetarian Enzyme Complex that promotes normal digestion.

Allerzyme: Vegetarian Enzyme Complex that promotes normal digestion.

My health journey with Young Living brought me wonderful, lifesaving products, but after I focused on enzymes, my digestive system became cleaner than it had been... I guess… my entire life! My benefits included:

  • One good bowel movement after each meal.

  • A bowel movement within 30 minutes of waking.

  • Very fresh breath in the morning. (Yes, really!)

Immune System Benefits

Young Living enzymes also encourage proper immune response to histamines. After 4 weeks of using more YL’s enzymes, I visited a family member whose dog lives the house. Before, I experienced classic allergy discomfort: itchy eyes, itching on my nose and face, sneezing, drainage down the throat and some wheezing when I went for a visit. Although I could control the congestion and head tension with Ravintsara, RC, Breathe Again and Peppermint, I hardly had to use the essential oils at all because I had been using YL’s enzymes! I was there for about ten days, and I even got to pet the dog from time to time!

Enzymes 101

Enzymes are proteins produced by living organisms. Heat and food processing kill enzymes. Not surprisingly, cultures that focus on whole foods experience longer, disease-free life.

Enzyme Benefits

Enzymes help support brain function, respiratory concerns and minor aches and pains. They also unlock the benefits of minerals, vitamins, proteins and hormones.

Generational Problem

Dr. Edward Howell, a pioneer in enzyme research, discovered that our problem may be generational. After 50 years of research, he uncovered overwhelming evidence indicating that the primary cause of degenerative disease in humans is enzyme deficiencies, exacerbated by enzyme deficient mothers passing on genetic deficiencies to their offspring. 

Good News

Dr. William Lintz eliminated allergy symptoms in 472 patients by eliminating the toxins in their bodies. In hundreds of other cases, enzyme supplements taken orally restored the body's enzyme level, dissolved undigested food particles, and helped support the skin, respiratory and digestive systems.

Young Living Enzymes

Due to diverse blood types and body chemistry, Young Living offers various enzymes for individual needs. Order yours today and begin to feel like a new person!

Sulfurzyme supports a healthy immune system, aids in carbohydrate metabolism and promotes proper liver function.

Sulfurzyme supports a healthy immune system, aids in carbohydrate metabolism and promotes proper liver function.

  • ALLERZYME: # 3288 WHOLESALE $34.75
  •  DAILY).  For starters, it may be that one needs to take even more at night before bedtime. Gary said he takes about 15 before bed. At that time his nine year old son was taking around 7-9 before bed. I began to take around ten and that is when I noticed I had a fresher breath in the morning.

Questions? Feel free to comment below or email us at TreeofLifeYL@gmail.com.