Today, we spotlight Helichrysum. This rare flower is a vital ingredient in 16 Young Living products. Before we share a few quick tips and facts, here’s a spoiler of some amazing benefits: Dried Helichrysum flowers keep their fragrance, shape and color for years, earning the nickname Everlasting Flower.
If your curiosity is piqued, keep reading, because this month … drumroll … you can earn Helichrysum for free! (Find out how here!). Ok, time to introduce the wheres, whys and hows of Helichrysum. Hello, new friend.
Fast Fact: Helichrysum has a high frequency making it perfect to diffuse for grounding during study or mediation.
Young Living grows its Helichrysum in Croatia. This hearty plant prefers rocky soil to keep it warm day and night. Instead of harvesting the entire plant, Young Living takes just the top 10-12 inches. The stalk will grow back within a week!
As you can see, Helichrysum has wonderful rejuvenating and restorative properties. We love it for:
- Improving appearance of tender skin
- Supporting mood, even during conflict
- Easing minor muscle tension or bone discomfort
- Maintaining healthy circulation
- Supporting the respiratory system
- General cleansing properties
1. Diffuse:
The uplifting aroma can help soothe moods and stimulate focus. You can diffuse up to 1 hour 3 times a day.
2. Apply Topically
Try applying 2-4 drops to the feet or directly to area of choice. Dilution is not typically required.
Now What?
We hope you enjoyed getting to know a rare oil today. If you want more information, leave us a question in the comments. We’d also love to hear how you plan to use it first.
And again, find out how you can add its grounding, restorative properties to your oily tool kit for free this month.